Terms and Conditions - The Starter Plan

Terms and Conditions - The Pro Plan

Terms and Conditions - The Closer Plan

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Closers Klub (“Services Provider”) collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from customers (“Clients”) in relation to the provision of caller services.

Collection of Information:

The Services Provider may collect personal information from Client(s) in various ways, including but not limited to:

Use of Information:

The Services Provider may use the collected information for the following purposes:

Protection of Information:

The Services Provider adopts appropriate data collection, storage, and processing practices, as well as security measures, to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of Clients’ personal information.

Disclosure of Information:

The Services Provider may disclose Clients’ personal information to third parties under the following circumstances:

Retention of Information:

The Services Provider retains Clients’ personal information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and to comply with legal obligations.

Client Rights:

Clients have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal information held by the Services Provider. Clients may also choose to opt-out of certain communications or request the cessation of data processing.

Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or the treatment of personal information, Clients can contact the Services Provider at the provided contact details. By engaging in the services provided by the Services Provider, Clients signify their acceptance of this Privacy Policy.